Friday, September 29, 2006

at last...

...i have started reading a really good book that everyone else in the world has already read. i started "jonathan strange and mr. norrell" yesterday.
...laura, on of my servers, had her baby boy (parker john daniels) yesterday. she was due this past saturday. hey, frø, isn't "parker" a great name for a baby boy? so much cooler and hip than old "william."
...i have one day left of serving. starting monday morning, i'll be one of two managers running the biba's in gainesville. the new store opens in braleston in early november.
...i rented "breakfast at tiffany's" which for some unforgivable reason, i have never before seen.
...i finally broke down and bought a album for my photos so i can keep my stuff organised.
...i finished paying the irs what i owed them for last 2005. now, i have to start paying back the georgia department or revenue.
...i can wear jeans and a jacket without sweating again.
...i get to see my wee sis' in her debut theatrical performance. ah, the li'l tyke's taken after her big brother scøüpe. see you tonight.
...i have begun what may come to be known as my triumphant return to posting at large. now becca and chris can both stop their whimpering about my absence. seriously, crawdaddy, when was the last time you posted anything, eh?


Blogger Rebecca said...

NO WAY!!!!

A post.

A post, AND he is reading Jonathan Strange.

This is all too much to take in on a Saturday morning.

In seriousness, that is possibly the best book I've read in years - definitely the best book of this year. (And it's up against Lilith, which says a lot.) I've starting rereading it. Can't wait to hear what you think. If you decide to grace us with more posts... :)

7:40 AM  
Blogger scøüpe said...

what is this fascination with not showing your face in profile photos?

10:59 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

I don't know. I think I see all these blogs and myspace's with girls who put up there cutest, flirtiest face-shot, and I don't want to try to entice people to my blog based on a cute picture. Or try to convince people I'm cuter than I am. Or something. Or maybe it would just be too much of -me- on the world wide web. ??

Good Question.

But you have no profile photo at all, Scoupe. Whyfore?

6:26 AM  
Blogger starbuck said...

i never post, b/c nobody ever comments. people should comment if they're reading, so i know to keep writing. like i'm doing now.

ramble, ramble, ramble.

now you know i'm reading your posts.

10:20 PM  
Blogger scøüpe said...

happy now, becca?

8:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell is a good book, indeed

9:16 PM  

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