Saturday, March 10, 2007

what i've been up tp...

1) work - i was promoted to manager at biba's in gainesville in october of last year; in mid-january of this year i transferred to the two-week-opened biba's in braselton. the transfer gave me a few bucks more as well as a few hours more each week. that accounts for most of the past few months time.
2) dating - courtney cunningham, actually. she's beautiful and funny and we share a lot of common interests: theatre, movies, religion and the masochistic life of restaurants.
3) theatre - she and i have seen "twelve angry men" and "spam-a-lot" at the fox and "romeo and juliet" at the shakespeare tavern.
4) movies - the best of the past year: "the departed," "the prestige," "pan's labryinth," "hannibal rising" and "300".
5) reading - "the silence of the lambs," "red dragon," "amsterdam," "survivor" and "invisible monsters."
6) poker - every tuesday night at my place.

yep, that's about all i've done since early november. it's a pretty boring life but i enjoy it.


Blogger penneyworth said...

David, this is Steven Stewart trying to get back in touch with you.

6:47 PM  

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