Wednesday, December 21, 2005

group sex in canada

i read this article today on detailing the trial against swingers' clubs in montreal. the case went to their supreme court and the court ruled in favour of the clubs, saying that they posed no threat to society. if you'd like to check out the article it's at
i wonder how long it'll be before we here about similar efforts to both establish and deter swingers' clubs in the states.


Blogger secretsquirrel said...

oh, they're swingin' already. i've read that las vegas is big into organized swinger parties, but so far i haven't heard that anyone is trying to shut them down. when you have a nickname like "sin city" people tend to expect (and tolerate) that kind of behavior.

i've also heard that private wife-swapping parties, or do we now call them "partner-swapping parties" to be more pc?, are making a big comeback . . . but what if you like the wife (partner) that you have?!?!?!?! hmm, guess that's why i'm not getting any invitations.

8:00 AM  

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