Tuesday, June 27, 2006


if you didn't see it at the fabulous fox théåtre this past week, well, you should have.
the lead role (roxy hart) was played perfectly by michelle dejean - a beautiful mix of depravity, lust, ambition and cuteness. she moves seamlessly from adoring wife to hot-tempered villian, from sensual vixen to giggly schoolgirl. john o'hurley (elaine's boss from seinfeld) plays billy flynn and although i thought richard gere did an excellent job on film, o'hurley is the man for the stage. terra c. macleod does an strong turn as the jealous has-been, desperate to be back on top.
the numbers are strong, the choreography tight. my favourite number is still "mister cellophane", performed by kevin carolan as amos hart. and , of course, carol woods holds her own as "mama", (the cell block matron) in the role that put queen latifah back into the spotlight.
karen and i both enjoyed the show and the running in the rain before and after. the girl who covered my shift at biba's so i could see the show was more than a little upset when she found out why i couldn't work. i reassured her there would be two more shows on sunday and she and her mother were able to make the final atlanta show. otherwise, i think she would still hate me for not inviting her.

for anyone interested, "monty python's spamalot" will be showing at the end of this season in late february and early march.