Tuesday, January 10, 2006

"we can't all be butterflies..."

most of the time when i cite this quote, no one gets the reference. maybe my siblings and father will, though. when we were kids, my mother had a refrigerator magnet with that saying and a picture of a grasshopper standing in front of the petals of a pretty flower, giving it the appearance of a butterfly.
we cannot always be what we want to be.
i cannot always be the man i would like to be.
on some issues, i can become the man i desire but on some things the best i can do is try my best and hope to achieve some of the attributes of that idealistic man.
-another favourite saying of mine is "if at first you don't succeed, give up and try something else."
we cannot always do what we want to do.
i can't do many things that i've tried. but there are so many things i can do. instead of focusing on my inabilities and seeking to improve what i'm not good at, i spend my time honing my skills and perfecting my talents and natural abilities.
bill wilson (senior pastor of metro ministries intl. in the bedford-stuyvesant area of brooklyn) is a skinny man about 55 years old. he's not that pretty to the eye, he can't sing, he can't dance, he can barely get his voice above a sandpaper rasp. he is also in charge of the largest sunday school program in the nation, reaching over 22,000 kids a week the last time i was there. he also speaks about focusing on your strengths and leaving your faults to fall in line afterward.
there are times to "try, try again" and there are times to "give up and try something else".


Blogger secretsquirrel said...

it's old, it's overused, but i still like this one:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can & the wisdom to know the difference.

the last part can be translated to: "the wisdom to know when to give up and try something else."

7:52 PM  
Blogger scøüpe said...

definitely. i actually meant to include that in my original post but i think i got side-tracked and forgot to put it in.

11:13 PM  

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